2022-23 School Calendar (v.1)

We know many of you are anxious to plan your vacations around our upcoming school calendar, so we have been working to give you those details as quickly as possible!

You can download the PDF here: https://cornerstonemin.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/SchoolCalendar2022-23v1.pdf

Although we have tried to be as thorough as possible, please know that this is a very early version and is subject to change.

Please make special note of three major changes for this upcoming school year:

  1. We are not going to this year’s teacher convention in late September, so you don’t have those 2 “fall break” days.
  2. In lieu of the teacher convention days, we now have a FULL WEEK out of school for Thanksgiving week. (YAY!)
  3. Due to multiple reasons, our Spring Break DOES NOT follow the public or city schedule set for the year. Our Spring Break will be the last week of March, as it was this last year.

Again, this is an EARLY calendar. Please check back ocassionally to make sure there are no more recent versions posted online and/or at the school office.